Millions of people rely on Bach Flower Remedies to restore balance and peace in their lives. They wouldn’t dream of living without the Remedies. However, most of these people never considered the fact that their animal companions also share all of the same emotions that we humans do. Many pets and farm animals have suffered trauma or abuse. Many others have fears and phobias. The good news is that Bach Flower Remedies are just as effective for helping pets and other animals as they are for people.
Bach Flower Remedies are very successful at treating aggression, separation anxiety, elimination problems, possessiveness, over-grooming, skin disorders, OCD/stereotypies, fears, and phobias. Here are a few case studies that demonstrate the power of Bach Flower Remedies for animals.
Chaos was a 16-year-old cat who over-groomed her entire life. Although her fur was black, her belly and inner thighs were licked clean, revealing her pink skin. After a month of taking her remedies, she was still grooming excessively, but less, and there was black peach fuzz growing on her belly and inner thighs. After two months, Chaos had a thick black coat covering the previously bare skin.

A Shiba Inu named Kona developed hot spots that looked so bad, they resembled mange. Her vet only recommended steroids, so her owner asked if Bach Flower Remedies could help. Within a couple of weeks of starting her remedies, her condition had improved noticeably. After a month, Kona was completely back to normal.

Jack, a donkey in his late 20s,
suffered from laminitis, a condition that causes a lot of hoof pain. He was resigned to lying down most of the time because it was so painful to stand or walk. He spent so much time lying down that he had developed painful sores on his knees. He was very depressed. His owner loved him, but didn’t want him to suffer and was begrudgingly considering putting him down. As a last resort, she contacted me to see if Bach Flower Remedies could help. Within 10 days of starting his remedies, his owner saw a dramatic change. Previously, when she looked in his eyes, they were glazed over; now, it was as if a veil had been lifted from his eyes. His mood improved markedly. Within two weeks of starting his remedies, he was walking “with purpose”–slowly, but with determination. After two months on his remedies, Jack was standing and walking three-quarters of the time instead of one-quarter like before. After four months on his remedies, he felt so good that his owner discovered him playing with his pair bond, Lola–even rearing on his hind legs! She hadn't seen him do that in years.
A Miniature Schnauzer-Scottie mix named Oscar was very timid and anxious, and he hated being groomed. Within a month of starting his remedies, he appeared less anxious. After another month, he appeared more interested in meeting other dogs and seemed less stressed. He had a happier demeanor, overall. A month later, his groomer said he was very well-behaved and she was able to trim his nails for the first time. Oscar was so calm, she was even able to use a Dremel tool to grind his nails.

Phoebe was an Abyssinian cat who was
described as a terror. Although she would let people pet her, she would often turn on them and go into attack mode. She would bite and scratch and run off. She was fairly skittish and erratic in her behavior. After a couple of months on her remedies, she became a different cat. She was now consistently calm and affectionate, purring and seeking out companionship. Her vet remarked that Phoebe was a completely different cat when she was brought in for a nail trim. Before taking the Remedies, the vet had to sedate her. After a month on the Remedies, she let them trim her nails without sedation and purred the whole time. The vet was so impressed, she said they were removing the WBAS caution on her file (Will Bite And Scratch).
It can be difficult to identify what is going on with our furry and feathered friends, but Bach Foundation Registered Animal Practitioners (BFRAPs) have had extensive training to understand your animals and formulate the right remedies for their particular situation. While there are 164 practitioners for people (BFRPs) in the United States, I am one of only nine animal practitioners (BFRAPs) in the United States. I am available for consultations for your animals. You can reach me by phone at 415-420-7800, by email at, or via my website at
Alternatively, the full list of BFRAPs is available on the Bach Centre’s website:
Practitioners are first grouped by country, then by state, then by zip code. Scroll down to U.S.A.
© 2017-2024 Carl Anderson