When relationships end, people are often in shock, confused, and in anguish. Whether they end with a breakup or with the death of a loved one, Bach Flower Remedies can really help people coping with a broken heart. They help people process events, gain clarity, and heal at this difficult and vulnerable time. A consultation with a BFRP would help to select the right remedies for their particular situation. However, the following is a partial list of Bach Flower Remedies that can help bring peace and balance when a person is dealing with heartbreak:
Star of Bethlehem can relieve shock if the relationship ended abruptly or by surprise.
Sweet Chestnut can help the sense of loss and grief they experience.
Pine helps relieve self-reproach when people blame themselves or beat themselves up for what they could have done differently.
Willow can relieve resentment or bitterness some feel toward their former partner, God, or life itself.
White Chestnut can stop the mental chatter when people relive arguments or replay events in their head.
Holly helps balance jealousy, suspicion, and hatred.
Honeysuckle helps people let go of the past, so they can be in the present.
Chestnut Bud helps people learn from past mistakes so they don’t repeat them.
Agrimony helps people face their emotions, rather than stuffing them away and putting on a brave or happy face. In order to truly move on, we must process our emotions.
Cherry Plum helps people maintain composure instead of losing control.
Crab Apple helps restore self-esteem if it took a beating.
Gentian relieves despondency after a setback like a breakup.
Gorse relieves hopelessness and suicidal tendencies.
Olive relieves mental and physical exhaustion.
Walnut helps adapt to change and protects from outside influences.
Rescue Remedy helps people cope with stressful situations.
The Bach Flower Remedies should be taken four times a day. It is best to take the first dose within an hour of getting up to set the tone for the day and to take the last dose within an hour of bedtime because people do a lot of processing while they are sleeping. Take at least two additional doses throughout the day. If taken straight from a stock bottle, take two drops each time. If taken from a treatment bottle (two drops of up to eight remedies added to a one-ounce bottle of spring water), take four drops each time. Be patient and religious about taking them. Most people feel significantly better within one to two weeks. With continued use, their mood will continue to improve.
There are other Bach Flower Remedies that may also be helpful, depending on each person’s individual circumstances. There are 39 different remedies in all, including Rescue Remedy. These can be used to make over 19 million combinations, and there is a remedy or combination of remedies to address any emotional state. For a consultation or to order remedies, I can be reached by phone at 415-420-7800, by email at CarlAndersonBFRP@gmail.com, or via my website at www.CarlAndersonBFRP.com.
© 2020-2024 Carl Anderson
BFR is magical-I love them and the ease of the system along with the subtle yet powerful shift that happens as I journey through life with Beautiful BFR