Consultations for Animals

Some of the common issues pet and animal owners have sought help resolving and have had great success with are:
Separation Anxiety
Elimination Problems
Skin Disorders
Pica/Eating Disorders
Fears and Phobias
Bach Flower Remedies are extremely effective on animals. Before conducting a Bach consultation for an animal, it is important to rule out any veterinary issues that may be causing or contributing to the animal's behavior. We don't want to delay any needed veterinary care. For this reason, I will confirm that you have consulted a vet. It isn't necessary to wait for any veterinary treatments to conclude to begin using the Bach Flower Remedies. It is only important to make sure veterinary care has begun, if necessary.
Ideally, I would like to meet your animal in person in order to observe his or her behavior first-hand. If you live outside the Seattle area, we can meet via FaceTime or Zoom and I can observe your animal by video.
Animal consultations typically last half an hour to an hour and cost between $70 and $140. Your pet's customized remedies are included in the price of a consultation. If you know what remedies you need or simply want to refill an existing blend, the cost is $35.
Remedies can be mailed nationwide for the actual cost of the postage, typically $10.65. No handling fee is charged. Call or email to set up a consultation.